Lately I've been so lucky with my finds, here were the best.

Cane suitcase

I was SO excited when I found this plate. I have been wanting something like it for so long.

I recieved some new Hello Kitty shirts in the mail. I bought two, the cut is strange, I think its called 'bat wing' style.

For those who don't know, bananas in Australia are VERY expensive. Going on $13.00+ a KG, this is due to a recent hurricane. So sadly, being the kind of person who loved to eat bananas everyday, I've had to cut down.
But I decided to treat myself and buy some yesterday.
After being so banana deprived I made myself some chocolate banana oatmeal this morning.

{oats: soy: banana: cocoa powder: vanilla essence: chopped dark chocolate: cinnamon: almonds: topped with peanut butter ♡}
This mornings breakfast got me in the mood to cook all day.
I had some shiitake mushrooms, wakame salad and inari in fridge, which mean I had no excuse but to make sushi for lunch.

{sushi filling; avocado: bean curd: shiitake mushrooms: carrot & inari wakame boats}
Then after making a red lentil dahl for dinner I'm all cooked out now and ready for bed.
Today I took a trip to visit the only vegan shop (that I know of) in Brisbane; The Green Edge. I picked up some more Cheezly cheese, I always get the mozzarella style but the girl who works there recommended the Sour Cream & Chives flavour, so I got both.
The Green Edge are also doing vegan educational cooking classes each Saturday as well, I plan on attending the TVP & other meat alternatives class.
Strawberry coconut overnight oats are in the fridge waiting for me tomorrow morning.

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