Today my brother has come to visit me. I decided to take him into the city for the day. We went to Grill'd for lunch and I decided to try the 'Bombay Bliss' burger. {a chickpea pattie with roasted peppers, tzatziki, salad and relish} To 'veganise' it I went without the tzatziki and added some avocado. Oh god, the burger was SO GOOD!!! The patty was spiced with curry flavours, and it was just so delicious!!
I found the cutest teapot ever, but didn't buy it because it was a bit pricey. To drink tea from a strawberry would make me so happy
I also bought some sneakers, reduced from $60 to $20, a new boater hat, since my last one blew off my head while I was riding on the city ferry and got a cute icecream bag for cheap which I thought was pretty cute.
And after my long day of walking around, I passed out amoungst my shopping.
Tonight's dinner. I tried the Sour Cream & Onion Cheezly cheese on my pizza tonight. It didnt melt as well as the mozarella, and didnt taste as flavoursome as thought it would. But it was still pretty nice. {pita bread : fresh & semi dried tomato : asparagus : mushroom : black & green olives : red and brown onion : garlic : shallots : capers} Its time for much needed sleep now.♡
Currently sitting at my desk by candlelight with a duckie mug of warm hot chocolate. What could be better right now. {100% cocoa powder, splenda, vanilla essence & almond milk}
This morning I ~ ♥ Made pumpkin oatmeal for the first time - wow! ♥ Went to the Rocklea Farmers markets, picked up some fresh veges. One of them being kale and I can't wait to make a fresh batch of kale chips. I use to wonder if kale chips were overrated, but after trying them myself I have to say that they defiantly lived up to the hype. ♥ Made a visit to the library ♥ Came home to some avocado on corn thins for morning tea. There is nothing more delicious then avocado with salt and pepper, so simple, but so yummy.
After all of this I realised it was not even 12 o'clock yet. I left for the gym, did a small workout and spent the rest of the cold day curled up in my bedroom with magazines and youtube. After gym snack {apple : almond butter : peach & mango soy yogurt : LSA : sunflower seeds}
Going back home to the coast for the night on Tuesday not only meant pimping my brothers BMX to go on a bike ride to the duck pond with my dad, but it also meant raiding the local second hand shops. Lately I've been so lucky with my finds, here were the best. Cane suitcase I was SO excited when I found this plate. I have been wanting something like it for so long.
I recieved some new Hello Kitty shirts in the mail. I bought two, the cut is strange, I think its called 'bat wing' style. For those who don't know, bananas in Australia are VERY expensive. Going on $13.00+ a KG, this is due to a recent hurricane. So sadly, being the kind of person who loved to eat bananas everyday, I've had to cut down. But I decided to treat myself and buy some yesterday.
After being so banana deprived I made myself some chocolate banana oatmeal this morning. {oats: soy: banana: cocoa powder: vanilla essence: chopped dark chocolate: cinnamon: almonds: topped with peanut butter ♡} This mornings breakfast got me in the mood to cook all day. I had some shiitake mushrooms, wakame salad and inari in fridge, which mean I had no excuse but to make sushi for lunch. {sushi filling; avocado: bean curd: shiitake mushrooms: carrot & inari wakame boats} Then after making a red lentil dahl for dinner I'm all cooked out now and ready for bed.
Today I took a trip to visit the only vegan shop (that I know of) in Brisbane; The Green Edge. I picked up some more Cheezly cheese, I always get the mozzarella style but the girl who works there recommended the Sour Cream & Chives flavour, so I got both. The Green Edge are also doing vegan educational cooking classes each Saturday as well, I plan on attending the TVP & other meat alternatives class.
Strawberry coconut overnight oats are in the fridge waiting for me tomorrow morning.
Today, things change. Things are going to be better. This breakfast was a good start ♡ Picking up spilt tea leaves isnt fun. But the taste of this Japanese Cherry Green tea was.
So often I go to the park around the corner with a basket of my stuff. Usually drawing books, pencils, a towel & lunch and just lay in the sun for hours, until I can be bothered walking back home. The sticker on my book is from one of my favourite artists of all time MILKBBI ♥ Please check him out, his art is so fun.
My new favourite. Peanut Butter Overnight Oats. {oats + peanut butter + sultanas + Isola hazelnut rice milk}
{soy vanilla yogurt : blueberries} I'm so glad the suns always out to get me through these cold days.
Yesterday started with fresh fruit and Tofutti on toast. I mixed the tofutti with splenda and vanilla essence to make it super sweet. Then I went to a High Tea with all the staff from my work.
I was pretty happy that they had a select few vegan things that I could eat. I wasn't sure if there would be anything for me, so planned ahead and I ate before I left. The mini fruit salads were so cute and colourful Green tea ♥ The pastry's behind I didn't eat, but sure did look cute. Today ~ Sticky Date and Ginger Oats for breakfast. So satisfying. {oats : dates : naked ginger : cinnamon : vanilla essence : splenda : soy milk : roasted almonds}